15 reasons for full custody

15 Legit Legal Reasons for Full Custody

Arguments that guarantee results!

A judge or jury of your peers should rule in your favor if any of the following are true:

1. Your partner wears Yeezys
2. They say “misunderestimated” unironically
3. They don’t buy Girl Scout cookies
4. They buy LemonUps over Samoas
5. They don’t list dimensions when they sell furniture online
6. Their favorite comedian is Chris D’Elia
7. They have a vanity plate that says HUSHARD
8. That plate is on a cybertruck
9. They’ve left a note on a stranger’s car critiquing their parking
10. They use a speaker instead of headphones in public spaces
11. They still like Justin Timberlake
12. They brought more than 12 items to the express lane
13. Dogs do not like your partner
14. They will not pet a good dog
15. They are a dog

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