Thule Urban Glide Double Stroller for Sale – $100
It works.
This stroller has thousands of miles on it. You know how people are like, Who the heck would spend $850 on a jogging stroller because nobody ever uses them? I used the shit out of this stroller. I didn’t just jog, I ran. Everywhere. With two kids. Or sometimes with one kid and a Victorian bride doll. Or with one girl and one Darth Vader, theme music included.
In fact, thanks to magic I can only attribute to Swedish engineering and pandemic-era mom strength, I ran faster pushing this stroller than without it. It truly does glide. Straight. I would give my daughters a push, then run after them. Don’t worry, they were in on it. They loved it. They loved hurtling down the Strand with no one at the helm. The perfect interval workout.
This stroller appeared in several 10Ks. It’s nearly gone sub-40, fully loaded. (Thanks, dad.) It went up mountains to parks and to the beach and to more parks and more beaches all over the place, miles and miles from our home. It carried lots of food, some of which tiny butts have permanently mashed into its fibers.
If I were to look at the history of my family up to this point, this stroller factors in heavily. My kids spent more time in it than in any car. That’s flippin’ cool. And lucky. If it were up to them, I’d still push them around in it.
I, too, would love to keep pushing them in it, because running with 2 kids in a Thule is not only cardio, it’s also a brute strength workout. Especially if you add hills. My core and arms and entire body have never been more cut than when I ran with my kids in this thing. Now I have to do strength and cardio separately. That stinks. And getting them both to ride bikes when I want to run? Omg.
But my kids now weigh 1031 lbs combined. The stroller’s only rated for 100 lbs. You see my dilemma. I’d keep it, but should they both jump in together, the tires will pop and the shocks will sag and never come up again. This is not what I want for this stroller, the stroller that has given us so much, and has something left to give.
In the spirit of full disclosure, the bottom bag may drag if overfilled, like a saggy ball sack, and the only cleaning that has or will ever be done to it is by dog. But if your goal is to push two delightfully light, small human beings on massive adventures while simultaneously becoming the fittest freaking person on the planet—for 1/8th the price of a new Thule—this is your ride.

Party on

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